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Original papers can be submitted as full-length manuscripts or as short communications. Review articles on current subjects are also invited. 


All submissions are to be written in the English language and through this link 


​1. Preparation of Manuscripts

Full-length manuscripts should be prepared using Times New Roman, font size 12 with double-spacing and a margin of 2.5 cm on each side. Full-length manuscripts should not exceed 20 manuscript pages including tables and figures.  All pages should be numbered including the title page. The manuscripts should be arranged in the following way: ‘Title page’, ‘Abstract’, ‘Introduction’, ‘Materials and Methods’, ‘Results and Discussion’, ‘Acknowledgements’, ‘References’, ‘Legends to Figures’, ‘Tables’ and ‘Figures’. The headings should be written in capital letters and bold using font size 14.  


Short communication papers should not exceed 8 manuscript pages including a maximum of three figures or tables. Authors of short communications are required to provide justification for selecting this type of submission. The manuscript for Short Communication should contain an ‘Abstract’, ‘References’ and a single section (without headings but with paragraphs) containing all other parts i.e.‘Introduction’, ‘Materials and Methods’ and ‘Results and Discussion’.    


The ‘Title page’ should contain a brief and informative title (font size 14, bold with capital letters) without any abbreviation. It should be specified as Full-length Manuscript or Short Communication at the top right-hand side of the page. The ‘title’ should be followed by the full names of the authors (font size 12, normal, having first alphabet capital). Corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk superscript. Below the names of authors, complete address where the work has been carried out must be given using font size 12, italic with first alphabet capital. A ‘Running Title’ of about 70 letters including spaces should also be provided (italic font). Telephone and fax numbers as well as the e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided at the bottom of the title page.


‘Abstract’ of the manuscript should be given on the second page. It should not contain more than 250 words. The maximum length of the abstract for Short Communication is 100 words. This should be followed by 4-6 keywords (italic font) required for literature retrieval.


‘Introduction’ should provide the background of the specific research and state the purpose of the investigation by giving relevant references. The significance and originality of the present research should be clearly stated.


‘Materials and Methods’ section should provide the description of materials and experimental procedures to enable others to repeat the experiments. Names of the specific reagents along with their sources and instruments (with their make) should be provided. New procedures should be described in detail; published procedures should be referred to by literature citations. 


‘Results and Discussion’ section should cover the presentation of results in a concise manner with the help of tables and figures. The same results should not be presented with both tables and figures. The presented results should be properly interpreted by citing relevant literature. Each paragraph must have a concluding statement. 


‘Acknowledgements’ of financial support and other assistance should be made after the ‘Results and Discussion’ section in a separate paragraph. 


‘References’ should be cited in the text by numbers in square brackets in the order of appearance. References should be listed on a separate page and numbered in the same order in which they are cited. References should follow the styles given below.


For Journals:

Liew, K., Yong, P.V.C., Navaratnam, V., Lim, Y.M. and Ho, A.S.H. (2015) Differential proteomic analysis on the effects of 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone towards MDA-MB-231 cell line. Phytomedicine 22(5), 517-527.


Muzammil, S., Kumar, Y. and Tayyab, S. (1999) Molten globule-like state of human serum albumin at low pH. Eur. J. Biochem. 266 (1), 26-32.    


Sidek, H.M., Nyquist-Battie, C. and Vanderkooi, G. (1984) Inhibition of synaptosomal enzymes by local anesthetics. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 801(1), 26-31.  


For books:

Pace, C.N., Shirley, B.A. and Thomson, J.A. (1989) in Protein Structure: A Practical Approach(Creighton,T.E., ed.) Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 311-332.   


‘Tables and Figures’ should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Each table should have a title. Figures should be provided in high resolution in JPG or TIFF format. Legends to the figures should be given on a separate sheet.  



​2. Copyright Transfer

Articles published in the Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are copyrighted. Authors should submit a statement that their manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are also required to submit a signed copyright transfer agreement after the acceptance of their manuscripts for publication.



3. Conflict of Interest

The authors should declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of their manuscripts.  



4. Ethical Issues

Manuscripts involving human or animal subjects must be approved by the Ethical Committee or the equivalent Review Board of the Institution. This statement must be included in the ‘Materials and Methods’ section of the manuscript. 



5. Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to MJBMB are reviewed by at least two qualified reviewers. As a result of the review process, a manuscript may be accepted as such, may require minor revision or major revision or rejected.   


A sample for manuscript preparation can be downloaded here. 



6. Article Publication Charges

With effect from 15th January 2023 onwards, all new submissions will be subjected to a 250MYR publication fee for every accepted paper.



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