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The The MSBMB President’s - Tan Sri Dato’ Kong Hon Kong Award is awarded to a distinguished biochemist or molecular biologist who has made important contributions to the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the national and international level as evident through their track record. The track record should reflect excellence in scientific contributions to the field and sustained research productivity. The contributions include, but are not limited to publications, receipt of awards, receipt of funding or grants from prestigious funding bodies (e.g. Wellcome Trust UK, NIH USA, BMGF, Royal Society UK, MRC UK), invitation as plenary or invited speaker at prestigious meetings and other recognized achievements of similar standing.

The winner of the MSBMB President’s - Tan Sri Dato’ Kong Hon Kong Award will receive an honorarium of RM5000, a trophy, a certificate of achievement and induction as a Life Member of MSBMB.

The recipient of the award will give the MSBMB President’s - Tan Sri Dato’ Kong Hon Kong Award Lecture at the MSBMB Annual Conference, which will be followed by the Award ceremony.

Nomination procedure and eligibility criteria (Guidelines):

  • The research for which the Award recognizes must have been carried out in Malaysia during the scientific career of the nominee.

  • Candidates should be nominated using the official Nomination Form provided. Self-nominations are not permitted.

  • A cover letter, not exceeding ONE A4-page (in Arial font with a minimum size of 10) and addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, should accompany the nomination form. The nomination letter should summarize the nominee’s achievements that clearly distinguish the nominee’s excellent track record in the field of practice. The nominee should have an international track record that highlights their contribution to their field of research.

  • The nomination should be proposed and seconded by a practitioner of the field who can provide references and attest to the candidate’s suitability for the award.

  • Nominations, on the official Nomination Form available on the MSBMB web page, must include the full name and address of the nominee, a citation of not more than TWO A4-pages, the names and addresses of the proposer and seconder plus other information as set out on the form.

  • The citation consists of a brief CV and lists the nominee's top ten (10) recent publications or unspecified number of equivalent achievements. The list of publications can include brief statements (not exceeding 70 words per statement) that highlight the importance and impact of the 10 listed papers or equivalent achievements.

  • A complete list of publications is required to be attached to the nomination form.

  • The nominating party can provide an additional full-length CV to highlight the career of their nominee as a supplement, but this is not compulsory for the nomination.

  • The Nomination Form must be submitted by the proposer or the seconder via email to by 15 April 2024 and the recipient will be announced by 30 May 2024.

MSBMB reserves the right to withhold the MSBMB President’s - Tan Sri Dato’ Kong Hon Kong Award if the Award winner is not able to accept the Award in person and present the Award Lecture at the annual Conference due to unforeseen circumstances. The recipient will be invited to the following year’s conference to receive the Award and present the Lecture.

MSBMB reserves the right not to declare a winner for the MSBMB President’s – Tan Sri Dato’ Kong Hon Kong Award if a suitable candidate is not found in any one year.


The Research Excellence Fellowship is awarded to a biochemist or molecular biologist who, within the past 3 years from the nomination year, has made a single or associated important contribution(s) to the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the international level as evident through their track records that include but are not limited to their publications, receipt of various awards, receipt of prestigious funding or grants, invitation to present lectures at prestigious meetings and other recognized achievements of similar standing. 

The winner of the MSBMB Research Excellence Award will receive a prize of RM3,000.00, a medal and a certificate of achievement. 

The recipient of the award will be invited to give the MSBMB Research Excellence Award Lecture Annual Conference of the MSBMB.


This award is given every 2 years.   


This award was made possible with the generous support of Nirvana Foundation under the leadership of Tan Sri Dato' Kong Hon Kong.

Download the nomination form HERE

Nomination procedure and eligibility criteria:

  • The nominee must be a member of the MSBMB.

  • The work for which the award recognizes must have been carried out in Malaysia for a minimum of 3 years before the nomination year and will be assessed from the appended publications list.   

  • Candidates should be nominated using the official nomination form provided.


  • A cover letter, not exceeding ONE page of A4 (in Arial font with a minimum size of 10) and addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology should accompany the nomination form. The nomination letter should summarize the nominees’ achievements that clearly distinguish the nominee’s research excellence in the field of practice. The nominees should have an international track record that highlights their contributions to their respective fields of study/practice. 

  • Prospective candidates are allowed to nominate themselves for this award but must be seconded by a by a practitioner of the field who can provide references and attest to the candidate’s suitability for the award. 

  • The nominating party must provide a brief CV (not exceeding 4 sides of A4) and list their nominee's top twenty recent publications. The CV must provide statements that highlight the contributions of the research carried out by the candidate and why it is considered to have reached a level of excellence. 

  • The nominating party can provide an additional document or CV to highlight the research career of the nominee as a supplement but is not compulsory for the nomination. This document can include an essay not exceeding 2 sides of A4 that highlights the nominees contributions to recent developments in biochemistry and molecular biology such as the invention of techniques, processes, a novel discovery or other similarly recognized achievement of similar standing.


The MSBMB offers two awards to enable graduate students/postdoctoral fellows/researchers to attend and present their research findings at either the Annual MSBMB Conference or at the FAOBMB/IUBMB Congress or Symposium.

Download Guidelines


The two awards are:


This fellowship covers the costs of the registration fee (member / non-member / student rate) to participate at the Annual MSBMB Conference.

Please send the FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION to the Honorary Secretary ( before 23rd May 2024.


  • The applicant should be a graduate student/postdoctoral fellow/researcher working in the field of biochemistry and/or molecular biology.

  • Preference will be given to researchers below 40 years of age.

  • The applicant must be a paid-up member of MSBMB. 

  • The applicant has submitted an application by the due date, providing all requested information and documentation.

  • Preference will be given to those applicants who have not previously received an MSBMB Annual Conference Fellowship.


This fellowship contributes towards the costs of travel and/or registration fee up to a maximum of RM3000 to participate at the FAOBMB or IUBMB Congress or Symposium.

Selection of the successful candidate is based on the following criteria:


  • The candidate should be a graduate student/postdoctoral fellow/researcher working in the field of biochemistry and/or molecular biology.

  • Preference will be given to young researchers below 40 years of age.

  • The candidate must be a paid-up member of MSBMB 

  • The candidate has a proven record of academic and intellectual achievement and shows significant research potential.

  • The candidate has submitted an application by the due date, providing all requested information and documentation.

  • Preference will be given to those applicants who have not previously received an MSBMB International Travel Fellowship.   

Note:  The recipient of this award is required to submit a manuscript to the Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology within 6 months of obtaining the award.

Please download and complete the FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION form and send it to the Honorary Secretary (



These awards shall be administered by the MSBMB Fellowships Committee which shall also be responsible for the selection of the successful applicants, after a proper evaluation of the completed application forms in accordance with the criteria outlined above. The number of fellowships to be awarded annually will be subject to availability of funds to support these schemes. 

Applications should be received by the Chair of the Fellowships Committee at least 2 months before the Annual Conference.

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