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MSBMB-Taylor's Virtual Focused Meeting 2020


The MSBMB is pleased to collaborate with Taylors University to bring you Viral Infections: Virtual Focused Meeting 2020, with a special webinar on ‘COVID-19: Understanding the Science’.  


The webinar will feature speakers that cover topics including the mechanisms of viral infection, disease progression and mechanisms of anti-viral therapeutics, including a Q&A session with the speakers. 


As the MSBMB has postponed its regular annual conference to 2021, we take the opportunity as part of the focused meeting to invite abstracts in broader areas below for rapid oral or ePoster presentations.  There will be recognition of best poster and best rapid oral presentations.  Best of all, participation is FREE this year.  Please check out the submission guidelines in the abstract submission page.  


  • Genetics , Epigenetics and Stem Cell Biology

  • Protein Structure, Function & Dynamics

  • Diseases – Parasitic, Metabolic, Viral , Bacterial

  • Lipid, Membrane Biology and Immunology

  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

  • Drug Discovery and Natural Products

  • Cancer and Cellular Diseases

  • Biochemistry – Agricultural, Clinical , Zoological


Abstract submission deadline : 31st October 2020


Date: 19 November 2020 | 2.30 pm - 4.30pm | via Zoom



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Mushroom Science Virtual 2020 (MSV2020)


The MSBMB Special Interest Group (SIG)-Mushroom Science is honored to host the inaugural Mushroom Science Virtual 2020 (MSV2020) meeting.


We are pleased to invite mushroom researchers from all over Asia to gather in this meeting with the aims of stimulating research, encouraging academic exchange and strengthening networking connections. We are providing a platform for young scholars to discuss recent advances and future trends of Mushroom Science to advance their professional development.


The MSBMB Special Interest Group (SIG)-Mushroom Science is a community within MSBMB with a shared interest in advancing knowledge, learning and technology in the area of mushroom science. Members collaborate, communicate, and organize seminars, meetings, workshops and conferences endorsed and supported by MSBMB, working with the national committees. The SIG liases with international mushroom researchers and organizations for collaborations. This SIG hopes to cultivate and encourage active knowledge transmission to address critical issues faced by humankind and generate positive contributions to society.


We welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you in October!


Organising Committee

Mushroom Science Virtual 2020

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10th Meeting of Asia for Mushroom Science

Our very own Special Interest Group (SIG): Mushroom Science is proud to host the 10th edition of the Meeting of Asia for Mushroom Science, held for the first time in Malaysia. MSBMB members are eligible for a special Early-bird rate.
Visit the website for more information.

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