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The MSBMB Special Interest Group (SIG)-Mushroom Science, in collaboration with the Royal Society of Biology (UK) Southeast Asia Branch, is deeply honored to host the 4th Annual Mushroom Science Virtual 2023 (MSV2023) meeting.


We are pleased to invite mushroom researchers from all over Asia to gather in this meeting with the aims of stimulating research, encouraging academic exchange and strengthening networking connections. We are providing a platform for young scholars to discuss recent advances and future trends of Mushroom Science to advance their professional development.


The MSBMB Special Interest Group (SIG)-Mushroom Science is a community within MSBMB with a shared interest in advancing knowledge, learning and technology in the area of mushroom science. Members collaborate, communicate, and organize seminars, meetings, workshops and conferences endorsed and supported by MSBMB, working with the national committees. The SIG liases with international mushroom researchers and organizations for collaborations. This SIG hopes to cultivate and encourage active knowledge transmission to address critical issues faced by humankind and generate positive contributions to society.


We welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you in October!


Organising Committee

Mushroom Science Virtual 2023







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An event hosted by the Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Special Interest Group (SIG): Mushroom Science, in collaboration with RSB (UK) Southeast Asia Branch 

For further information, kindly contact us at

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